Saturday, June 30, 2018

Day Four

The air is thick. Burnt honey, this sunshine. I have an irrational fear that should I walk outside it would stick to my skin and sear through my flesh. It appears July is arriving in flames, her tresses scorched, her touch an inferno. I suppose I should be grateful as this will assure I stay indoors, all thoughts of yardwork and chores charred away.

This evening my husband and I went to an ax-throwing birthday party. Yes, you read that right. It was awesome. A wildly creative and talented group of people got together and learned how to throw axes at a target. There were scores and a bracket and a tournament winner...axes! Just when you think you have a general idea about the boundaries - the edges that define daily reality with its 'that's to be expected' footnotes - and then someone invites you to a warehouse in Millvale to masquerade as a lumberjack for a night. (of course, I could not actually participate as my person is compromised, but we will go back. Indeed!)

I collect characters in my mind. Even just the tiniest habit or personality quirk I stash away in a vault to be incorporated into someone's neighbor/aunt/professor/murderer. I sometimes wonder if I'm ever own oddness, ticks...then again, I spent three hours with a hundred people flinging sharp objects for fun - what is normal?

My goodness, isn't life grand?

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